What are Galactagogues?

A galactogogue is a substance that can increase breast milk production in humans and also animals. The word is greek- γάλα: “Milk” and ἀγωγός: “leading”. A galactagogue can be foods, some herbs, and even medication that works by raising prolactin levels in the body.  


A few of the common medications used to increase milk supply are listed below. L2 being safer and L1 being the safest in lactation.1,2

  • Domperidone: also called Motilium: L1 (Safest)
  • Metoclopramide: also called Reglan: L2 ( Safer)
  • Sulpiride: also called Dolmatil, Sulparex,Sulpitil: (Safer) 

It is very important to talk to your doctor about any risks involved with the medications to be aware of. For example, one of the side effects of Reglan can be severe depression so it is not recommended for anyone with a history of depression to take.1,2 


Here is a list of a few of the most popular herbs commonly used as galactagogues.

  • Fenugreek3
  • Alfalfa
  • Goat’s Rue
  • Fennel


A few foods believed to increase milk production are listed below. Keep in mind that none of these are scientifically proven to work, it could just be that maybe your body was deficient in these or dehydrated, needing extra calories, etc.

  • Oatmeal: good source of iron 
  • Garlic: can help stimulate milk glands
  • Almonds: contain calcium, iron, and omega-3

Current Trends

An example of an increasing milk supply trend you may have heard of is the “Pink Drink” from Starbucks. It has circulated the internet saying that it does wonders for mother’s milk supply, and that may be true for some but not because of the ingredients itself. Majority of the time they just needed that extra hydration, electrolytes, etc. Another one you may see out there in grocery stores is the lactation cookies and brownies. Again, not proven to actually have effects on milk supply. It is very important to keep in mind the ingredients and be aware of what you are consuming.

When Do You Need to Introduce Galactagogues?

Before introducing any form of galactagogues it’s very important to reach out to your health care provider and also a Lactation Consultant to determine if it is necessary.1,2 Breast milk production works by supply and demand, meaning breast milk should be frequently removed from the breast for it to continue being replaced. If there are missed feedings or pumping sessions at the breast the milk supply will eventually start to decrease. 

Keep in mind that if you have an underlying medical condition (i.e. thyroid issue, hormonal imbalance, insufficient glandular tissue, etc), galactagogues may not help with milk supply. It is important to find the root cause of true low milk production with the help of an IBCLC. 

What If I Have Questions?

If you are interested in learning more, this Aeroflow class expands on some of the topics discussed above:

  • Bump to Baby Nutrition
  • Lactation Q&A

To register for this class, log into your portal or click here.

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