Making a Breastfeeding-Friendly Birth Plan
Why Should You Have a Breastfeeding Friendly Birth Plan?
A birth plan is a list of your choices for things like pain relief, help during labor, and how you want your baby cared for after birth. Research shows that birth and breastfeeding are connected, so it’s a good idea to include things that support breastfeeding in your plan. Your Breastfeeding Friendly Birth Plan should reflect how you want to bring your baby into the world. It’s also important to stay flexible. Things don’t always go as planned, and the most important thing is to make sure both you and your baby are safe.1
Getting Started
Sign up for a childbirth class, a breastfeeding class, and a prenatal breastfeeding consultation to get ready for your baby’s arrival. As you learn more about birth and breastfeeding, you’ll start to understand your needs and what you want for your birth experience. Talk with your healthcare team ahead of time and let them know how you’d like your birth to go. Take a tour of the hospital to learn about their rules, as they can affect your birth plan. Meet the hospital staff and the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who will be available to help. Also, connect with local and hospital breastfeeding support groups, and talk to pediatricians to find one who supports your feeding choices.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Breastfeeding Friendly Birth Plan:2,3
1. Share About Yourself
Your doctor might not be the one who will be with you during your baby’s birth. In your birth plan, introduce yourself and thank your healthcare team for their support. Include important details like your due date, emergency contact information, and any health information. Keep it short—just one paragraph—and explain why your birth plan is important to you.
2. Birth Partner
Your birth partner could be your spouse, a friend, or a family member. This person will be with you on one of the most important days of your life. Introduce them to your birth team and make sure they’re included in the process.
3. Others Allowed in the Room
Think about who you’d like to be with you in the room during labor and birth. For some, it’s an intimate event between the couple. While other families want as much support as possible. It’s a personal choice, so make sure to list everyone you want in the room. Keep in mind that your hospital may have limits on how many people can be with you during birth.
4. Delivery & Pain Management
Think about how you want to manage pain during labor. You can try natural methods, like breathing exercises or hypnobirthing, to cope with contractions. An unmedicated birth can help you move around and may speed up labor, with fewer chances of needing medical interventions like a c-section. If you prefer medication, there are a variety of options and strengths.. Make sure to clearly state your pain management choices in your birth plan.
5. During Labor & Birth
Talk to your birth partner about the atmosphere you would like to feel in your hospital. This is the section to get specific about the things you need to create the birth experience you’ve envisioned. Don’t forget to add the things you want to honor most if your birth plans need to change for medical reasons.
- Lighting, music, aromatherapy
- Laboring in the tub/shower
- Using peanut or yoga ball
- Pushing positions you prefer
- Using mirror to see baby’s birth
- Your choices on birth interventions
6. Breastfeeding
Skin-to-skin contact right after birth and starting breastfeeding right away can help you succeed at breastfeeding. Introducing bottles or pacifiers too early can make breastfeeding harder, so it’s best to avoid them.1 Formula should only be used if it’s medically needed. If this happens, ask to see an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) as soon as possible after birth for a plan that helps protect your breastfeeding experience.
7. Newborn Procedures
As you learn about birth and breastfeeding, it’s important to know about the common procedures for newborns after birth. Studies show that both the mother and baby benefit when the umbilical cord is not clamped right away, but is left to pulse for 3 minutes or until it stops.4 Experts recommend waiting 30-60 seconds or longer before clamping the cord, as this helps most babies, whether they are full-term or preterm. If you plan to do cord blood banking, make sure to include that in your birth plan.
Other common procedures for newborns include antibiotic eye drops, a Vitamin K shot, and a Hepatitis B vaccine. Take time to research the benefits and risks of these procedures. As your baby’s advocate, you can choose whether or not to have these done, and you can decide who will do them or when they will happen.
Delaying your baby’s first bath also has benefits. Research shows that waiting 24 hours can help prevent your baby from getting too cold, reduce crying, and encourage bonding.5
If you have a baby boy, you will need to decide whether or not to circumcise. Rooming in with your baby—keeping them with you in the same room—is important for successful breastfeeding. Let the hospital know you want your baby with you at all times so you can respond to their feeding cues right away.
8. Cesarean Birth
If you need or choose to have a C-section, you can still request breastfeeding-friendly procedures. For example, you might ask to have the screen lowered so you can see your baby being born. You can also request immediate skin-to-skin contact and start breastfeeding right after your baby is born.
9. Importance of a Doula
A doula is a trained professional who offers continuous support during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and after birth.6 Having a doula can help you feel more confident in your birth choices and provide care that supports your birth plan.
Evidence-based benefits of doulas:
- a lower risk of emergency birthing interventions
- a lower risk of cesarean births.
- shorter vaginal deliveries
- increase the likelihood of timely initiation of breastfeeding.
You can download a template or create your own. Keep your birthing plan simple and concise; always remember to be flexible. You can change your birth plan at any time and even during labor. Think about your emotional well-being after you deliver your baby and ask for help. Share your Breastfeeding Friendly Birth Plan with your birthing partner and health care team to prepare for the exciting journey ahead.
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, these Aeroflow classes expand on some of the topics discussed above:
- Birth and Breastfeeding Part 1 & 2
- Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
- Lactation Q&A
To register for these classes, log into your portal or click here.
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For a directory of Aeroflow’s other Care Guides offering information on pregnancy, baby care, and more, browse our comprehensive list of titles:
Our classes and accompanying materials are intended for general education purposes and should not replace medical evaluation or consultation. Please seek advice from your own healthcare providers for individualized recommendations.