Introducing the Bottle
Introducing a bottle to your breastfed baby is an exciting milestone! It can also be a little tricky at first, but with patience and gentle strategies, most babies (and their mamas!) adjust smoothly. By listening to your baby’s needs and taking things one step at a time, you can make the switch easier and continue your breastfeeding journey with confidence. Here are some helpful tips to make introducing a bottle a positive experience for both you and your baby:1,2,3,4
- Be Responsive: Pay close attention to your baby’s feeding cues and continue to breastfeed them whenever needed. This helps to keep your milk supply in sync with their growing needs.
- Experiment: There isn’t one “perfect” bottle for every baby, so be ready to experiment with different options. A slow-flow, newborn nipple is often a comfortable pace for many babies. A nipple with a gradual slope will allow your baby to latch more deeply, reinforcing good breastfeeding behavior.
- Bottle Strategies: Gently tickle your baby’s lips with the bottle nipple to encourage them to root, latch, and begin sucking. Tilting the nipple towards the roof of your baby’s mouth to help stimulate their sucking reflex.
- Deep Latch: Just like breastfeeding, it’s important that your baby latches deeply onto the bottle. Make sure their mouth is wide open, their lips are flanged (like when breastfeeding), and they are taking the nipple deeply into their mouth.
- Keep Things Positive: It’s important to keep bottle feeding a calm and positive experience. If your baby is upset or refusing the bottle, it’s okay to take a break and try again later. Don’t force the bottle if your baby is fussy. Try offering it again later in a quiet and relaxed setting.
- Start with a Calm Baby: If your baby is having trouble with the bottle, try offering it when they are just waking up from a nap or are a little sleepy. These moments can make your baby more willing to give the bottle a try.
- Don’t Give up Too Quickly: If your baby doesn’t take the bottle right away, be patient. Try offering it for at least 10-15 minutes before giving up. If your baby resists, take a short break, walk around to soothe them, and then try again. With time and practice, your baby will likely start accepting the bottle.
- Try Partial Bottle Feeds: Starting with smaller amounts of milk in the bottle and offering it more often can help your baby get used to the idea of bottle feeding. Gradually, they may become more comfortable with larger amounts.
- Offer the Breast First: If your baby is having a hard time with the bottle, try offering the breast first, then following up with the bottle. It might take some trial and error to figure out the best timing, but this can be a good transition for some babies.
- More Practice = More Success: The more your baby practices bottle feeding, the more likely they will get the hang of it. Offer the bottle regularly, and don’t worry if they don’t take it every time. Just keep offering it in calm, relaxed settings.
- Seek Support: Some babies may take the bottle more easily when offered by someone other than you. Try pumping and letting your partner or another caregiver give the bottle. This also helps maintain your milk supply and gives your baby the chance to practice feeding with someone else.
Introducing the bottle can take time, so it’s important to be patient and flexible. If you ever feel unsure or need extra support, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Lactation Consultant. They can offer valuable advice and encouragement as you make the next step on your breastfeeding journey.
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, these Aeroflow classes expand on some of the topics discussed above:
- Navigating Your Maternity Leave
- Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
- Moms Circle
To register for these classes, log into your portal or click here.
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