How to Use Slings
What is a ring sling?
This baby carrier is a piece of fabric that is gathered and sewn at the shoulder with a ring to create a “sling” to comfortably wear your baby. They are easily adjustable and can be used by babies at any stage yet some mothers find ring slings are easiest to use with a newborn. They are typically lighter because they have less fabric than other carriers making them a great option for warmer weather and more comfortable to use when learning to babywear.1
Before Getting Started
Ring Slings come in different sizes ranging from S-XL or 1.7m – 2m. Some moms prefer one that is more fitted with a shorter tail and will order based on their t-shirt size but others prefer sizing up for the extra fabric to create a longer more asymmetrical tail end. Research and explore the different styles of carries and the benefits of having a larger size before purchasing.
They can be made of woven fabrics that can be made up of blend combinations of cotton, silk, wool, hemp, linen, alpaca, and cashmere. In addition, these fabrics can come in different weave patterns – each equally unique and beautiful.
For the most part, healthy full-term newborns can be worn in a ring sling right away. Check with your medical practitioner if your baby was born preterm or has a medical condition that could prevent them from safely babywearing.
Putting On Your Ring Sling
Put on your ring sling around your neck like a sash with the two rings draped over your shoulder, and the remaining fabric hanging toward the front of your body. Tighten or loosen the fabric by adjusting the extra fabric to prepare a seat or “pouch” for your baby.
Belly to Belly Carry
Carry your baby on your preferred shoulder and start with your ring sling already prepared. Hold your baby high on the opposite shoulder of the rings. Gently lower your baby down into the seat and bottom rail of the sling. Spread the excess fabric knee to knee to encourage correct positioning. Your baby’s legs should be open and their knees should be positioned higher than their hips. Your baby should be close enough to your face to kiss and kept in an upright position. Pull the top rail to further secure your baby in the sling.
Breastfeeding in the Ring Sling
Loosen the fabric in the sling to allow your baby to be at the level of your breast. Keep your baby’s head and face visible at all times. Lift your breast and latch your baby on the opposite side of the rings. You can cradle your arm around your baby to support their neck or keep them forward facing on the breast for a more upright breastfeeding position.
Removing Baby
To take your baby out of the sling, support your baby with one hand while adjusting the ring to loosen the fabric. Continue to loosen at your shoulder to pull your baby out gently and back into a high position on your shoulder.
Pros & Cons of a Ring Sling
✔Easy to Clean
✔Easier to adjust than a wrap
✔Works well with a newborn baby
✔Convenient for breastfeeding
✘Limited physical activity; a structured carrier may be better
✘Weight is not distributed evenly and can be heavy on the shoulder
A ring sling is a great choice for younger babies that are not quite ready to be outward facing and encourages healthy hip development. Older babies can still be worn in a ring sling on the adult’s hip and is a comfortable carrier for occasional use. No matter the type of carrier you choose, babywearing promotes bonding that supports breastfeeding and exposes your baby to the world around them.2,3
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, these Aeroflow classes expand on some of the topics discussed above:
- Babywearing and Breastfeeding
- Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
To register for these classes, log into your portal or click here.
Want More Info?
For a directory of Aeroflow’s other Care Guides offering information on pregnancy, baby care, and more, browse our comprehensive list of titles:
Our classes and accompanying materials are intended for general education purposes and should not replace medical evaluation or consultation. Please seek advice from your own healthcare providers for individualized recommendations.