How Partners Can Support Breastfeeding
Sometimes support partners feel they do not have a role in the feeding process if their baby is breastfeeding. Research has shown moms who have supportive partners feel more confident in their ability to breastfeed.1
Below are Five Ways Your Support Partners Can Help:
- Attend a Class Before the Baby is Born
Ask your support partners to attend a breastfeeding class with you before the baby is born, so you all can get your questions answered. Schedule a prenatal visit with a lactation consultant who can help answer any questions before your baby arrives.2
- Practice Skin-to-Skin
Between feedings, have your support partners hold your baby on their chest without a shirt and snuggle; skin-to-skin has been shown to help calm and keep your baby warm.3
- Care for Your Baby
There is so much more to do than feed a baby and change diapers! Your support partners can hold, burp, dress, play, bathe, and snuggle your baby. They can learn your baby’s hunger cues so they can bring your baby to you for feedings. If you need to be away, they can feed your baby pumped milk. Each time you and your support partners meet your baby’s needs, this trust helps build a strong bond.3
- Help Around the House
Working on chores works better when there is a team working on it. The delivery process and the first few weeks of breastfeeding are tiring. Helping with household chores, and learning a new recipe or ordering in from a favorite restaurant for a meal can allow for rest. Do not be afraid to ask others in your life for help as well. This is an important time for you and your family to rest.3
- Offer Praise & Support
The breastfeeding journey is a rewarding time, but it can be hard. Your support partners can assist with visitors and socialization – learning how to feed in public or in front of others can take some practice. They can also help other people in your lives understand your family’s breastfeeding choices, so they can be kind. Keep the lines of communication open between you and your support partner so you can discuss wants and needs together. Allow time for rest.3
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, this Aeroflow class expands on some of the topics discussed above:
- Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
To register for this class, log into your portal or click here.
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