Benefits of Babywearing
It’s biologically normal for babies to want to be held. Wearing your baby meets their natural need for closeness while making it easier for you too. All around the world, mothers have worn their babies for centuries in specially designed fabric wraps, ring slings, and other forms of carriers. There are benefits to babywearing in every stage of infancy and beyond.
- Less Crying
- Babies that are worn have been known to cry less and soothe faster. Carrying your baby calms their nervous system by helping them feel safe in your arms.
- Less Colic
- If you have a baby with reflux or colic, wearing your baby allows the baby’s digestive system to get to work and lessens symptoms.
- Infant Development
- Your baby will be at your level exploring the world around them. This means new environments, new sensations, and social examples which will support healthy development.
- Reduces Risk of “Flat Head” Syndrome
- Flat Head Syndrome, or plagiocephaly, is a condition that happens when a baby is kept on their backs too much. Severe cases of plagiocephaly will need corrective therapy with a helmet. Babywearing can prevent this condition, by keeping the baby free from head pressure in cribs, swings, and playpens.
- Reduces risk of SIDS
- The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends that baby’s sleep in the same room with you until they are at least six months old to minimize SIDS risk.3 This applies to naps too. Babywearing during naps will help your baby sleep more easily and allow you the freedom you need while they do.
- Lower Rates of Postpartum Depression
- Carrying your baby in a wrap or a sling skin-to-skin promotes breastfeeding, bonding, and oxytocin (the feel-good hormone) which can lower rates of postpartum depression.
- Closer Bond
- Baby wearing reinforces those natural instincts because your baby is in close contact with you and responding to their needs by singing, snuggling or talking comes with ease.
- Caring for Older Siblings
- With baby wearing you can pick up where you left off when you are ready, knowing your baby is safe and close while you reconnect with your older children so they feel included.
- Convenience & Freedom
- Carrying your newborn in a sling, wrap or carrier will eliminate the need for a bulky stroller and will save time running errands or when traveling.
- More Rest
- Because babywearing mimics the movements and sounds of the womb, it is a great tool for family members to use for soothing your baby while you get extra rest.
- Improves Breastfeeding
- By keeping your baby so close, you will be more connected with your baby’s feeding behavior and able to respond easily.
- More frequent milk removals means a more abundant and more stable milk supply.
- Babywearing allows for discreet breastfeeding while sitting or standing and social interactions while breastfeeding can be less intimidating.
Though learning to babywear may feel a bit challenging at first, the practice is richly rewarding for you, your baby, and any family members who join in. It’s a wonderful tool to support your baby’s transition from the womb to the world, and deepening your relationships as a family.
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, this Aeroflow class expands on some of the topics discussed above:
- Babywearing for the Breastfed Baby
To register for this class, log into your portal or click here.
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Our classes and accompanying materials are intended for general education purposes and should not replace medical evaluation or consultation. Please seek advice from your own healthcare providers for individualized recommendations.