Elastic Nipples
If you’re on a breastfeeding or pumping journey, you may have heard the term “elastic nipples” and wondered what it means. Don’t worry—you’re not alone! Understanding elastic nipples, how they develop, and what to do about them can help you find the best solutions for a comfortable and effective feeding experience.1
What are Elastic Nipples?
- Some nipple stretch is needed to help a baby get a deeper latch when directly breastfeeding but elastic nipples are extra stretchy when compared to other nipples.
- Extra stretchy nipples can sometimes cause challenges with breastfeeding or pumping if the nipple stretches to become very long.
How Do Elastic Nipples Develop?
- Hormonal Changes – Pregnancy, postpartum hormones, and even the natural changes your body goes through can affect skin elasticity.
- Frequent Pumping – If you pump often (especially with high suction or the wrong size flange), it can cause the nipple tissue to become more stretchy over time.
- Breastfeeding Itself – The natural stretching that happens with regular nursing can make nipples more elastic, especially if your baby has a strong suck or a shallow latch.
- Your nipple stretches to the end or nearly to the end of the flange tunnel which can cause pain.
- It seems no matter what size flange you use, much of your areola is being pulled into the flange tunnel.
- No matter which size flange or pump settings you use, you have difficulty feeling like you’ve really drained your breasts when pumping.
- Pain while pumping.
What You Can Do
- Don’t lubricate your nipples or your flanges before using the breast pump.
- Consider using a smaller flange size with your breast pump.
- Turn the suction strength down so your nipple doesn’t stretch as much.
- Use hands-on pumping techniques where you massage and compress your breasts while pumping in order to achieve better breast drainage.
- Try silicone inserts or silicone flanges like Pumpin’ Pals, which have an angled flange tunnel and special design made to hold back breast tissue so only the nipple is pulled into the flange tunnel.
- Use hand expression as another method to express your breast milk.
You’re Doing Great
Breastfeeding and pumping is a journey and everyone’s journey is different.2,3 If you have elastic nipples and it’s causing challenges, just know that help is out there! A lactation specialist can give you tips and tricks to make things easier.
What If I Have Questions?
If you are interested in learning more, these Aeroflow classes expand on some of the topics discussed above:
- How to Fit Your Flange
- Pumping 101
- Lactation Q&A
To register for these classes, log into your portal or click here.
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Our classes and accompanying materials are intended for general education purposes and should not replace medical evaluation or consultation. Please seek advice from your own healthcare providers for individualized recommendations.